
Guilin Microtech Optical Instrument Co., Ltd. (MTO)



Position:  > Product  >  Monocular

Our monocular video microscope system are known with high resolution, high contrast, large zoom ratio, excellent parfocal performance, novel structure, variety, it divided into four categories: zoom monocular video microscope series, fixed magnification monocular video microscope series, zoom monocular microscope series and other purpose zoom  monocular video microscope series. Our products can be widely used in various fields of electronic equipment, semiconductor equipment, 2D and 3D measurement system, LCD, LED, SMT, PCB and BGA for digital imaging, detection and measurement.

高州市| 岱山县| 建宁县| 大渡口区| 新密市| 富顺县| 宜宾县| 定襄县| 肇源县| 北票市| 泰来县| 河北区| 大石桥市| 高台县| 河南省| 客服| 宜川县| 沈丘县| 武冈市| 屯留县| 潮州市| 建水县| 沙洋县| 兰考县| 喜德县| 巩义市| 毕节市| 潼南县| 高平市| 扬州市| 马鞍山市| 明光市| 苍山县| 怀安县| 合肥市| 大安市| 双鸭山市| 大化| 会泽县| 洪泽县| 大方县|