
Guilin Microtech Optical Instrument Co., Ltd. (MTO)



Position:  > Product  >  Attachments  >  Stereo Microscopes Attachments  > Stage

Fix it into the hole of stand working stage (fixing hole Φ95mm). Put the object on the mechanical stage for expediently moving specimen in XY directions, easily finding images.
Note: Please explain in advance while the mechanical stage needs to be installed on the stand, the stand needs specially be increased the screw holes.


  Model:S7665 mechanical stage
  ·Fix it into the hole of stand working stage (fixing hole Φ95mm). Put the object on the mechanical stage for expediently moving specimen in XY directions, easily finding images.
  ·The moving range of X direction 76mm
The moving range of Y direction 65mm

S7665 exemplify



Model: S10086 Mechanical stage
Introduction: ·Put the object on the mechanical stage for expediently moving specimen in XY directions, easily finding images.
·The moving range of X direction 100 mmThe moving range of Y direction 86 mm


Model: S10086T Light transmission mechanical stage
Introduction: ·Put the object on the mechanical stage for expediently moving specimen in XY directions, easily finding images.
● The overall dimension is the same as that of S10086, which can transmisson light.
·The moving range of X direction 100 mmThe moving range of Y direction 86 mm


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