
Guilin Microtech Optical Instrument Co., Ltd. (MTO)



Position:  > Product  >  Stereo Microscopes

My company Stereo Microscopes are characterized by high resolution, high resolution, large depth of field, long working distance, novel structure, variety complete, is noted for its fine performance. They can be divided into four categories: Parallel Optical Zoom Stereo Microscopes, Greenough Optical System Zoom Stereo Microscopes, Dual Magnification Stereo Microscopes and Coaxial Illumination Zoom Stereo Microscopes. It includes MZPS0850; MZPS0880; MZS0655; MZS0870 and MZS1065; MZS0745; MZS0740; The MTS. MZS1865C etc. 9 series. My company's products can be widely applied to various fields.

Stereo Microscopes
衡山县| 万荣县| 永年县| 隆安县| 孝感市| 合川市| 德安县| 临湘市| 齐齐哈尔市| 满洲里市| 壶关县| 开化县| 潼关县| 深水埗区| 合江县| 吉林省| 葫芦岛市| 芷江| 华安县| 康马县| 海口市| 平利县| 偏关县| 专栏| 漠河县| 江门市| 蒲江县| 新乡县| 镇康县| 余干县| 沿河| 万源市| 吉隆县| 曲周县| 聂拉木县| 井陉县| 维西| 丹巴县| 龙门县| 永兴县| 隆安县|