
Guilin Microtech Optical Instrument Co., Ltd. (MTO)



Fixed Mag. Video Micro Series

This series can be customized according to the requirement of customers, usually can be completed 7~10 working days from customers’ order to be confirmed, more complex generally 2 weeks to complete. The usual type formed a series, respectively is MTDM popular series, MTDY object telecentric series, MTDYY double telecentric series, MTD tool-setting, double magnification series and MTDP infinity farness series etc..

1.    MTDM popular series common objective magnification is 0.6x, 0.8X and 1.0x, 1.5x, 2.0x. 2.5x. 3.0X, 4.0X, common work distance are 80mm, 100mm, 150mm; common models is combination of all magnification and all kinds of working distance; other combination of magnification and working distance please contact the business manager;

2.   MTDY object telecentric series’ distortion is very small which applied in industry precision measurement; common objective magnification is 0.8X, 1X, 2x, 3x, 4x, the distance are 65mm and 115mm, common models is combination of all magnification and all kinds of working distance; other combination of magnification and working distance please contact the business manager;

3.   MTDYY double telecentric series’ common models are MTDYY03-110 and MTDYY03-185. Using this series telecentric lens for imaging measurements, not cause measurement error according to changes from depth of field , especially suitable for precision linear dimension measurement;

4.   MTD tool-setting series special design for precision tool-setting on equipment, common model is  MTD10-200/42° which with 1.0X magnification lens, working distance is 200mm, observe angle is 42 degrees, other common models are MTD20-110/42 °, MTD30-90/42 °etc.

5.   MTD double magnification series can realize two different field of vedio and two magnification while observing the same object, common models  is MTD (08-20) C-80; that is the magnification are 0.8X and 2.0X, working distance is 80mm,; other common models are MTD (07-07) - 100; MTD (20-20) C-110 .

6.   MTDP infinity farness series’ common objective magnification are 0.3X,0.5X,0.75X,1X,1.5X,2X,4.5X and many magnifications metallographic lens; while the lens magnification is 1X, the working distance is 82mm. Using a different objective, can get different magnification and working distance.

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