
Guilin Microtech Optical Instrument Co., Ltd. (MTO)



Zoom Monocular Video Micro Series

1. MZDH0850 series is our company's main models which with high resolution, excellent high definition quality, rich configuration, can be derived lots of model . 

2. MZDH0670 series is the main models, with a larger zoom ratio of 12:1, high resolution, excellent high definition quality, the configuration is rich, can be derived lots of models; 

3. MZD standard series is easy to adjust and the price is moderate, the definition and the cost performance are high; 

4.MZDV series designed by infinity optical system, short and beautiful, large depth of field, suitable to installation the position of relatively narrow place, for example , some 2D, 3D measurement system which  interior is relatively narrow. 

5.MZDM popular  series which no coruscant during  the whole zoom course, the price is moderate, can meet the imaging observation, detection and other requirements; 

6.MZDB0746C series configure with high quality coaxial lighting, especially suitable to inspect bottom of small deep hole, etc. 

7. MZDA0745C series configure with the original coaxial illuination system, which with even illuination, good contrast, suitable for high and low reflectivity at the same time, the series is relatively high-end models.

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